How Best to Maintain Teeth Whitening Results

How Best to Maintain Teeth Whitening Results

How Best to Maintain Teeth Whitening Results

Your smile can make a great first impression and boosts your confidence. Hence, investing in it is the best thing to do. Teeth whitening is among the ideal ways to make your smile more appealing and brighter. However, there are various things you can do to diminish your teeth whitening results.

Most people are surprised that their teeth whitening results are not permanent. However, you can make the results last longer based on your lifestyle and habits. Read on to learn how to maintain teeth whitening results.


Avoid Eating and Drinking Teeth-staining Foods and Drinks

You can stain your teeth by taking drinks, such as red wine, tea, or coffee. Some foods make your smile dull and less white such as candy, blueberries, and tomato-based and dark sauces in meals. It is also vital to limit taking dark and acidic foods.

Some people may find struggle to give up their red wine or coffee. Using a straw to drink their favorite drinks can reduce the risk of staining as it will lessen contact with their teeth.

Some dark-colored items are healthy—for example, berries—so it is vital to rinse your mouth with water after consuming them. The substances will have less time to stay in your mouth and stain your teeth if you do that immediately after your meals or drinks.

Foods like apples can help maintain your teeth whitening results. The rough texture of apples works as an exfoliator to scrub off any debris and plaque accumulated on your teeth. They also stimulate saliva production to help clean and wash away food debris and sugary juices in the mouth. Vegetables like broccoli and foods with high fiber also help with exfoliation. 


Maintain Proper Dental Hygiene

Your oral hygiene habits determine the condition and appearance of your smile. Brushing your teeth after every meal helps give maximum results. It is also vital to floss daily to remove anything stuck between your teeth that can stain teeth. If brushing after meals becomes challenging, do it twice daily with a soft toothbrush and a whitening toothpaste.


Quit Smoking

Dentists advise against tobacco use because it is among the most tooth-staining products around. There are various reasons to stop smoking. The habit endangers your general health and affects the appearance of your teeth.

Teeth whitening requires one to be very intentional about maintaining the results. Thus, avoid chewing or smoking tobacco and all its products to keep your teeth white and stain-free. 


Drink Lots of Water

Drink plenty of water to remain hydrated for your overall health. Water prevents stains from building up on your already-whitened teeth. It helps wash food particles and bacteria in your mouth that can discolor your teeth and dull them.


Regular Dental Cleanings

Teeth whitening is a significant investment requiring due diligence to maintain the results. You can achieve this by going for regular dental cleaning appointments. Doing so twice a year will help keep your teeth white and your smile bright. 

Your dentist will conduct the cleaning by scraping off plaque and tartar buildup formed on your teeth that make them look unattractive and dull. As a result, your teeth will still look brighter and more beautiful from such maintenance.

For more about maintaining teeth whitening results, visit Le Smile Aesthetic & Comprehensive Dentistry in Falls Church, Virginia. Call (703) 534-6226 to book an appointment today.

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